Jay McRoy
Department of English & Cinema Studies
University of Wisconsin - Parkside
900 Wood Road.
Kenosha, WI 53141
Ph.D. English (Film and Cultural Studies Emphasis), Stony Brook University, 2000
Dissertation: “‘T’ain’t No Sin to Take off Your Skin’: Corporeal Integrity as Metaphor and the Politics of Monstrosity in Modern and Postmodern
Horror Literature and Film”
Director: Professor Ira Livingston (Stony Brook University)
Readers: Professor E. Ann Kaplan (Stony Brook University), Professor Krin Gabbard (Stony Brook University), Professor Steven Shaviro (Wayne State University)
B.A. English and Communications, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, 1991
magna cum laude
Academic Appointments:
2014 - Present Professor, Tenured, University of Wisconsin – Parkside
2005 - 2014 Associate Professor, Tenured, University of Wisconsin - Parkside
2001-2005 Assistant Professor, Tenure-Track, University of Wisconsin - Parkside,
1998 - 2001 Associate Lecturer, Stony Brook University
1996 - 1998 Adjunct Instructor, Suffolk Community College
1993 - 1998 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Stony Brook University
1998 Special Research Assistant to Dr. E. Ann Kaplan, Humanities Institute, Stony Brook University
1997 - 1998 Coordinator, Stony Brook University Electronic Writing Classrooms
1995 - 1997 Graduate Research Assistant, Humanities Institute, Stony Brook University
Awards and Honors:
2023 MVP (Most Valuable Professor), University of Wisconsin – Parkside
2017 Stella Gray Award for Teaching Excellence, University of Wisconsin –
2018 - 2022 Nominated, Stella Gray Award for Teaching Excellence, University of
Wisconsin – Parkside
2015 - 2016 Nominated, Stella Gray Award for Teaching Excellence, University of Wisconsin – Parkside
2012 Nominated, Stella Gray Award for Teaching Excellence, University of Wisconsin – Parkside
2002 - 2010 Nominated, Stella Gray Award for Teaching Excellence, University of Wisconsin - Parkside
2008 - Present Honorary Faculty – Associate Professor. Ameristate University of the Martial Arts, 2008 – Present
2008 Keynote Speaker, New Horrors: An International Conference of Horror Film, Manchester Metropolitan University, April 4-6
2004 Nominated, Advisor of the Year, 2004
2000 Merit Award for Teaching Excellence, Stony Brook University
1991 Award for Excellence in Literature and Writing, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, 1991.
1991 Honors in English, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth
1991 Honors in Communications, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth
Professional Service (Editorships and Offices):
2003 - Present Editorial Board, Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres
2005 - Present Editorial Board, Journal of Adaptation in Film
2012 - Present Editorial Board, Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese (JMLC)
2005 - Present External Reviewer (Occasional), Edinburgh University Press
2007 - Present External Reviewer (Occasional), Manchester University Press
2005 - Present External Reviewer (Occasional), Cinema Journal
2010 External Reviewer, Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema
Chair, Directorships, and Coordination Experience:
2013 -Present Director. Concentration in Cinema and Film Studies, University of Wisconsin – Parkside Department of Liberal Studies.
2009 – 2014. Chair. Department of English. University of Wisconsin – Parkside.
2002 – Present Coordinator for the Certificate in Cinema Studies. Department of English University of Wisconsin – Parkside.
2013 - 2014 Interim Chair. Department of Foreign Languages, University of Wisconsin – Parkside.
2013 - 2014 Interim Coordinator. Academic Skills - Composition, University of Wisconsin – Parkside.
Books and Edited Collections:
McRoy, Jay (2022) Gothic Film: An Edinburgh University Press Reader. Edinburgh University
McRoy, Jay (2008). Nightmare Japan: Contemporary Japanese Horror Cinema.
(Contemporary Cinema Series), Amsterdam: Rodopi.
McRoy, Jay and Hand, Richard (2007). Monstrous Adaptations: Generic and Thematic Mutations
in Horror Film. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
McRoy, Jay (2005). Japanese Horror Cinema. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
McRoy, Jay (2023). “Program Note: NAKASHIMA Tetsuya’s It Comes.” Japan Foundation
Touring Film Programme.
McRoy, Jay (2023). “The Agony of Mediation and The Great Ecstasy of Robert Carmichael.”
Cine-Excess, Issue 5: Bodies as Battlefields: Disruptive Sexualities in Cult Cinema, April
McRoy, Jay (2021). “Youth, Trauma, and Contemporary Japanese Cinema.” The Blackwell
Anthology of Japanese Film Criticism. Edited by David Desser. Malden, MA and Oxford,
UK: Wiley-Blackwell-Wiley.
McRoy, Jay (2020). “Film Noir and the Gothic.” Gothic Film: An Edinburgh
University Press Reader. Edinburgh University Press.
McRoy, Jay (2019). “Gothic Motifs in Japanese Horror Cinema.” The B-Movie Gothic.
Edited by Justin Edwards and Johan Hoglund. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
McRoy, Jay (2016). “House,” “Suicide Circle,” “Splatter: Naked Blood,” and “Noriko’s
Dinner Table.” Japanese Horror Encyclopedia. Edited by Salvador Murguia. Rowman and
McRoy, Jay (2015). “Spectral Remainders and Transcultural Hauntings: (Re)iterations of the
Onryō in Contemporary Japanese Horror Cinema.” Cinematic Ghosts. Edited by Murray
Leeder. New York & London: Continuum Press.
McRoy, Jay (2015). “New Japanese Horror.” The Blackwell Anthology of Horror Criticism.
Edited by Harry Benshoff. Malden, MA and Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell-Wiley.
McRoy, Jay (2012). “Even the Ghosts are Haunted: Kenjo Mizoguchi’s Ugetsu Monogatari.”
Diabolique, Issue No. 11, Sept/Oct.
McRoy, Jay (2012). “In a Cat’s Eye: Kaneto Shindo’s Kuroneko.” Diabolique, Issue No. 8,
McRoy, Jay (2012). “Kaneto Shindo and Onibaba.” Diabolique, Issue No. 8, Jan/Feb.
McRoy, Jay (2011). “The Kids of Today Should Defend Themselves Against the ‘70s”:
Simulating Auras and Marketing Nostalgia in Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino’s
Grindhouse.” New American Horror Cinema. Edited by Steffen Hantke. Mississippi:
University of Mississippi Press.
McRoy, Jay (2011). “Today’s Lesson Is…You Kill Each Other: Kinji Fukasaku’s Battle
Royale.” Battle Royale: Essays & Commentary in Battle Royale Limited Edition Box Set.
Arrow Films Blue Ray Release.
McRoy, Jay (2010). “The Great Train Robbery,” “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service,” “The
Crow,” “The Killer,” “Wages of Fear,” and “Leon.” 101Greatest Action Films. Edited by
Helena Baser. New York: Barrons Inc.
McRoy, Jay (2010). “Sisters” and “Buffalo ’66.” 101 Greatest Cult Films. Edited by Helena
Baser. New York: Barrons, Inc.
McRoy, Jay (2010). “ ‘Parts is Parts’: Pornography, Splatter Films, and the Politics of Corporeal
Disintegration.” Horror Zone: The Cultural Experience of Contemporary Horror Cinema.
Edited by Ian Conrich and Julian Petley. New York & London: I.B. Tauris Press.
McRoy, Jay (2009; Revised and Expanded). “Satiety in Numbers: George Romero’s Night of
the Living Dead.” Night of the Living Dead: Studies in the Horror Film. Edited by Jerad
Walters and Marco Lanzagorta. Lakewood, Colorado: Centipede Press.
McRoy, Jay (2009). “The Grand Illusion,” “Ivan’s Childhood,” “Come and See,” “Lacombe
Lucien,” and “The Cranes are Flying.” 101 Greatest War Films. Edited by Steven Jay
Schneider. New York: Barrons, Inc.
McRoy, Jay (2009). “Sonatine,” “King of New York,” “The Departed,” “Drunken Angel” and
“Atlantic City.” 101 Greatest Gangster Films. Edited by Steven Jay Schneider. New York:
Barrons, Inc.
McRoy, Jay and Crucianelli, Guy (2009). “ ‘I Panic the World’: Benevolent Exploitation in Tod
Browning’s Freaks and Harmony Korine’s Gummo.” Journal of Popular Culture, Vol. 42,
McRoy, Jay (2009). “Fish Tank” and “The Departed.” 1001 Movies You Must See Before You
Die. Edited by Steven Jay Schneider. New York: Barrons, Inc.
McRoy, Jay (2008). “Akira,” “Alphaville,” “La Jetee,” “Solaris,” and “Strange Days.” 101
Science Fiction Films. Edited by Steven Jay Schneider. New York: Barrons, Inc.
McRoy, Jay (2008). “Ju-on,” “Onibaba,” “Ringu,” “A Tale of Two Sisters,” and “Hellraiser.” 101
Horror Films. Edited by Steven Jay Schneider. New York: Barrons, Inc.
McRoy, Jay (2008). “A Murder of Doves: A Roundtable on Youth Violence in Asian Cinema.”
Rue Morgue Magazine. June/July 2008.
McRoy, Jay (2008). “Satiety in Numbers: George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead.” Pop
Matters (Special Issue on The 40th Anniversary of George Romero’s Night of the Living
Dead). October 30.
McRoy, Jay (2007). “ ‘Our Reaction Was Only Human’: Monstrous Becomings in Abel Ferrara’s
Body Snatchers.” Monstrous Adaptations: Generic and Thematic Mutations in Horror Film.
Edited by Richard Hand and Jay McRoy. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
McRoy, Jay (2007). “Bela Tarr,” “Manoel De Oliviera,” “Jon Jost,” “Amos Gitai,” and “Alan
Clarke.” Cinema’s 501 Greatest Directors. Edited by Steven Jay Schneider. New York:
Barrons, Inc.
McRoy, Jay (2007). “Paul Robeson,” “Jean-Pierre Leaud,” and “Jean Seberg.” Cinema’s 501
Greatest Stars. Edited by Steven Jay Schneider. New York: Barrons, Inc.
McRoy, Jay (2007). “Cannibal Holocaust” and “The Kingdom.” 100 Greatest European Horror
Films. Edited by Steven Jay Schneider. British Film Institute.
McRoy, Jay (2006). “Joy Boys and Docile Bodies: Surveillance, Resistance, and the Politics of
Dramatic Recreation in Romuald Karmakar’s Der Totmacher.” Caligari’s Grandchildren:
German Horror Film after 1945. Edited by Steffen Hantke. Metuchen, New Jersey:
Scarecrow Press.
McRoy, Jay (2006). “Japan is Screaming: Recent Trends in Recent Japanese Horror Cinema.”
Traditions in World Cinema. Edited by Linda Badley and R. Barton Palmer. Edinburgh:
Edinburgh University Press.
McRoy, Jay (2006). “Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie, and Severed Heads: Harrold Jaffe’s 15
Serial Killers.” Terrains Vague. Edited by David Willinham. Seattle: Paradoxa Press.
McRoy, Jay (2006). “ ‘The Horror is Alive’: Immersion, Spectatorship, and the Cinematics of
Fear in the Survival Horror Genre.” Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture, Issue
6, Volume 1.
McRoy, Jay (2005). “Shimizu Takashi's Ju-on and the Haunted Family in Japanese Culture.”
Rendez-vous avec la peur: revue de cinéma fantastique. Edited by Frank LaFond. Liège:
Les Editions du CEFAL.
McRoy, Jay (2005). “Cultural Transformations, Corporeal Prohibitions, and Body Horror in Sato\
Hisayasu’s Naked Blood.” Japanese Horror Cinema. Edited by Jay McRoy. Edinburgh:
Edinburgh University Press.
McRoy, Jay (2005). “Case Study: Cinematic Hybridity in Shimizu Takashi’s Ju-on: The
Grudge.” Japanese Horror Cinema. Edited by Jay McRoy, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University
McRoy, Jay and Evans, Gareth (2005). “Filmography: Japanese Horror Films and their DVD
Availability in the UK and the US.” Japanese Horror Cinema. Edited by Jay McRoy.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005.
McRoy, Jay (2005). “Italian Neorealist Influences in Post-Punk Cinema.” Post-Punk Cinema.
Edited by Nicholas Rombes. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
McRoy, Jay (2004). “Simulating Torture, Documenting Horror: The Technology of ‘Nonfiction
Filmmaking’ in Devil’s Experiment and Flowers of Flesh and Blood.” Technologies of Fear:
Material Culture of Horror Film. Edited by Steffen Hantke, Mississippi: University of
Mississippi Press.
McRoy, Jay (2004). “Conspicuous Consumption: Ulli Lommel's Zartlichkeit der Wolfe
(Tenderness of the Wolves, 1973).” Kinoeye: A Fortnightly Journal of Film in the
New Europe, Vol. 2, Issue 14.
McRoy, Jay (2003). “ ‘This Is What They Do in Graves’: Beth B’s Two Small Bodies.” Fever
Pitch: A Journal of Film and Music, No. 7, pp. 22-24.
McRoy, Jay (2003). “There Goes the Neighborhood: Chaotic Apocalypse and Monstrous
Genesis in H. P. Lovecraft’s ‘The Street,’ ‘The Horror at Red Hook,’ and ‘He’.” Journal of
the Fantastic in the Arts, February 2003, pp. 335-51.
McRoy, Jay (2002). “Patrick McGrath.” Supernatural Fiction Writers, 2nd Edition. Edited by
Richard Bleiler. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons Press.
McRoy, Jay (2002). “ ‘The Dream Has Not Ended Yet’: Splattered Bodies and the Durable
Orgasm in Hisayasu Sato’s Naked Blood.” Spectator: The University of California
Journal of Film and Television Criticism, 22:2. Special Issue: “Axes to Grind: Re-Imagining
the Horrific in Visual Media and Culture,” Edited by Harmony Wu, pp. 34-44.
McRoy, Jay (2002). “There Are No Limits: Splatterpunk, Clive Barker, and the Body in
extremis.” Horror. Edited by Steffen Hantke. Seattle: Paradoxa Press.
McRoy, Jay (2002). “Some (Re)Assembly Required: Broken Bodies, Christopher Reeve,
and the Selling of Late Capitalism.” Delirium: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Culture
and Criticism, February 2002.
McRoy, Jay (2002). “Wounds of Opportunity: J.G. Ballard's Crash,” in “The Best Books of
the Century: An M/C Reviews ‘Words’ Special Feature.” M/C Media Culture, Spring
McRoy, Jay (2002). “Beautiful Abominations: On the DVD Release of Clive Barker’s
Nightbreed.” Scope: An On-Line Journal of Film Studies, January 2002.
McRoy, Jay (2001). “Click Here To…: Teaching Composition Through the Creation
of On-Line Magazines.” Journal of Educational Technology Systems, vol. 29 no. 3,
pp. 207-18.
Reviews and Review-Essays:
McRoy, Jay (2023). “Review: Eye-Camera-Nibagawa.” [In]Transition: Journal of Videographic
and Moving Image Studies, 10.2
McRoy, Jay (2010; Review-Essay). “The Cinema of Hong Kong: History, Arts, Identity.
Cinema Journal.
McRoy, Jay (2010; Book Review). “Expansive Meditations on the Culture of Now: Harold
Jaffe’s Anti-Twitter: 150 50-Word Short Stories.” Straylight.
McRoy, Jay (2004; Book Review). “Current and Not-So-Current Trends in Horror Criticism:
Horror: The Film Reader and British Horror Cinema.” Science Fiction Research
Association Review #258.
McRoy, Jay (2003; Book Review). “The Frankenstein Film Sourcebook.” Science Fiction
Research Association Review #254.
McRoy, Jay (2003; Book Review). “Anime from Akira to Princess Mononoke: Experiencing
Contemporary Japanese Animation.” Scope: An On-Line Journal of Film Studies.
McRoy, Jay (2003; Book Review). “Ramsey Campbell and Modern Horror Fiction.” Science
Fiction Research Association Review #253.
McRoy, Jay (2003; Book Review). “Two on Carpenter: The Films of John Carpenter and
Order in the Universe: The Films of John Carpenter.” Science Fiction Research Association
Review #253.
McRoy, Jay (2002; Book Review). “Learning from Other Worlds.” Science Fiction Research
Association Review #252.
McRoy, Jay (2002; Book Review). “The Cult Film and its Critics.” Science Fiction Research \
Association Review #251.
McRoy, Jay (2001; Book Review). “The Body’s Perilous Pleasures.” Intensities: The Journal
of Cult Media, vol.1, no.1, Spring 2001.
McRoy, Jay (2001). “On Spectatorship and the Art of Horror: Joan Hawkins’ Cutting
Edge: Art-Horror and the Horrific Avant Garde and David A. Oakes’ Science and
Destabilization in the American Gothic: Lovecraft, Matheson, and King.” (Review-
Essay). Science Fiction Studies, November 2001.
Conference Papers and Invited Presentations:
“Orson Welles and Citizen Kane: A Public Lecture and Talkback,” Kenosha Celebrates Orson
Welles, 2016.
“Cinema and (In)Finitude.” Last Lecture Series. University of Wisconsin Parkside, May 5, 2014.
“Destabilizing Horror.” Closing Discussion/Roundtable with Adam Lowenstein and Tom
Gunning. Moderated by Adam Hart. Contemporary Horrors: Destabilizing a Cinematic
Genre. University of Chicago, April 25-26, 2014.
“Keep Doubting: Victims and Visionaries in Pascal Laugier’s Martyrs.” Contemporary Horrors:
Destabilizing a Cinematic Genre. University of Chicago, April 25-26, 2014.
“Cultural Adaptations in William Inge’s Bus Stop.” Milwaukee Chamber Theatre’s ViewPoints
Lecture Series. Broadway Theatre Center’s Cabot Theatre, April 18, 2012.
“ ‘I’m Not Afraid of You’: The Vampire as Hot Topic.” University of Wisconsin – Parkside
Friends of the Library Community Lecture Series, March 2011.
“Reading the Graphic Novel.” OPED - Office of Professional Instructional Development
Conference. University of Wisconsin – Madison. March 5, 2009.
“Spiraling into Apocalypse: Sono Shion’s Suicide Circle.” (Keynote Address) New Horrors: An
International Conference of Horror Film. Manchester Metropolitan University (UK). April 4-6, 2008.
“Simulating Auras and Marketing Nostalgia in Quentin Tarantino’s Death Proof.” The
Southwest-Texas Popular Culture Association/American Association Conference,
February 11-15, 2008.
“Better and Old Demon than a New God: Robert Zemekis’ Beowulf.” Beowulf Symposium.
University of Wisconsin – Parkside, December 5, 2007.
“Introducing Wong Kar-Wai’s Chungking Express.” Brief paper followed by discussion
moderation. CineMatic Cineclub. Racine, Wisconsin, June 12, 2007.
“Introducing Jean-Luc Godard’s Masculine/Feminine.” Brief paper followed by discussion
moderation. CineMatic Cineclub. Racine, Wisconsin, May 7, 2007.
“Introducing Yasujiro Ozu’s Late Spring.” Brief paper followed by discussion moderation.
CineMatic Cineclub. Racine, Wisconsin, March 28, 2007.
“Japanese Horror Cinema: Major Trends.” ‘It Came from Lake Michigan’ Annual Independent
Horror Film Festival. October 17 – 21, 2006.
“A Murder of Doves: Youth Violence and the Rites of Passing in Contemporary Japanese Horror
Cinema.” It Came From Lake Michigan Film Festival. October 20, 2006.
“New Terrors, Emerging Trends, and the Future of Japanese Horror Cinema.” 2006 Faculty
Showcase. University of Wisconsin – Parkside, May 10, 2006.
“Becoming Adaptations: Corporeal Transformation and Ambiguity in Abel Ferrara’s Body
Snatchers.” Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference, March 11-14,
“Master and Servant: Sadomasochism and Paradox in Sato Hisayasu's Muscle.” The Southwest-
Texas Popular Culture Association/American Association Conference, February 11-15,
“Shimizu Takashi's Ju-on and the Haunted Family in Japanese Culture.” Society for Cinema
and Media Studies Annual Conference, March 11-14, 2005.
“Ghosts of the Present, Specters of the Past: Cinematic Hybridity and the Haunted Family in
Shimizu Takashi’s Ju-on: The Grudge.” The Southwest-Texas Popular
Culture Association/American Association Conference, February 16-19, 2005
“Behind the Veil of Orientalist Discourse: Michael Moore’s ‘Soft Fascism’.” University
of Wisconsin – Parkside, Humanities-Sponsored Panel Discussion, October 7, 2004.
“Critical Thinking in Film Studies.” Critical Thinking Symposium, University of Wisconsin –
Parkside, September 24, 2004.
“Poverty, Violence, Spectacle: Katia Lund and Fernando Meirelles’ City of God.” University
of Wisconsin – Parkside, Foreign Film Series Roundtable, April 4, 2004.
“Pornography, Splatter Films, and the Politics of Corporeal Disintegration.” Society for
Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference, March 4-7, 2004.
“ ‘I Panic the World’: Benevolent Exploitation in Tod Browning’s Freaks and Gummo.” (With
Guy Crucianelli). The Southwest-Texas Popular Culture Association/American Culture
Association Conference, April 4-7, 2004.
“Nightmare Japan: New Trends in Japanese Horror Cinema.” Midwest Conference on Film,
Language, and Literature, March 2003.
“Revisioning Apocalypse: Battle Royale and Battle Royale 2: Requiem.” Public Screening and
Lecture, AnimeFest Wisconsin, 2004.
“ ‘Will You Be My Guinea Pig?’: Japanese Body Horror.” Society for Cinema and Media
Studies Annual Conference, March 6 - 9, 2003.
Chairperson/Moderator. “Body Horror in U.S. and Japanese Films.” Society for Cinema and
Media Studies Annual Conference, March 6 - 9, 2003.
“Flowers of Flesh and Blood: Body Horror, Pseudo-Snuff, and the Politics of Cultural
Transformation in the Guinea Pig Films.” The Southwest-Texas Popular Culture
Association/American Culture Association Conference, February 12 - 15, 2003.
Chairperson/Moderator. “The Politics of Horror.” The Southwest-Texas Popular Culture
Association/American Culture Association Conference, February 12 - 15,
“In the Company of Wolves: Conspicuous Consumption in Ulli Lommel’s Zärtlichkeit der
Wolfe (Tenderness of the Wolves, 1973).” 24th International Conference on the Fantastic
in the Arts, 2003.
“ ‘T'aint No Sin to Take Off Your Skin’: Clive Barker's Posthuman Striptease.” 2002
Midwest Modern Language Association Convention. Special Convention Theme
Panel: “Thinking Post-Identity.” November 8 - 10, 2002.
“The Horror is Alive: Immersion, Abjection, and the Cinematics of Fear in the Survival
Horror Genre.” 2002 Midwest Popular Culture Association Conference, October 4 - 6,
“Some (Re)Assembly Required: Christopher Reeve and the Selling of Late Capitalism.”
Midwest Conference on Film, Language, and Literature, 2002.
“Skinning the Body Erotic: Corporeal Disintegration and the Mapping of Desire in Clive
Barker’s The Forbidden.” 23rd International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts,
“ ‘The Dream Has Not Ended Yet’: Meat, Intensity, and the Durable Orgasm in
Hisayasu Sato’s Naked Blood and David Cronenberg's eXistenZ.” The Southwest-
Texas Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference, 2002.
Panel Chairperson/Moderator. “Bodies that Splatter.” The Southwest-Texas Popular Culture
Association/American Culture Association Conference, 2002.
“Engaging the (Post)Humanities.” The University of Wisconsin - Parkside Roundtable on the
Humanities, 2001.
“ ‘Our Response Was Only Human’: Monstrous Becomings in Abel Ferrara’s Body
Snatchers.” The 32nd Science Fiction Research Association Conference. Special
Session: Science Fiction in the Next Millennium: Looking Forward While Remembering
the Past, 2001.
“In Midian, Where the Monsters Go: Beautiful Abominations in Clive Barker’s Nightbreed.”
Stony Brook University Conference on Literature and Theory, 2000.
“Resistance is Futile: Collaborative Learning and the Application of On-Line Technologies in
the Teaching of Writing.” Stony Brook Faculty Brown-Bag Lecture Series, 2000.
“Point/Click/Think: Teaching First Year Writing through the Creation of Online Magazines.”
State University of New York Counsel On Writing Conference, 1999.
“Writing Across the Web: The Impact of On-Line Technologies on the Teaching of Writing.”
Community College General Education Association’s 16th National Conference, 1998.
Moderator/Chairperson. “Marginalized Discourses: Fantasy and Science Fiction.” Stony Brook
University’s 9th Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference, 1996.
“The Beast in the Pockets: Gender and Language Diffusion in Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg,
Ohio.” Stony Brook University Conference on Literature and Theory, 1995.
“I Hate Myself and Want to Die: Baudrillard, the Media, and Kurt Cobain’s Suicidal Simulacra.”
Stony Brook Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Colloquium, 1995.
“Janie’s Got a Gun: Gender and Violence in Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God .”
Stony Brook University Conference on Literature and Theory, 1994.
“ ‘Workers Are Pigs, Women Are Worse’: Plagiarizing Kathy Acker.” Stony Brook University
Conference on Literature and Theory, 1994.
Workshops, Guest Lectures, Interviews, and Assorted Presentations:
Discussion Facilitator. “On Leo McCrarey’s Duck Soup.” University of Wisconsin – Parkside
Faculty Roundtable with Student Discussion. April, 2012.
Discussion Facilitator. “On Julie Dash’s Daughters of the Dust.” Kente Film Festival, May 7,
Discussion Facilitator. “On Cheryl Dunye’s Watermelon Woman.” Kente Film Festival, April
30, 2010.
Discussion Facilitator. “On Zeinabu Irene Davis’ Compensation.” Kente Film Festival, March
12, 2010.
Discussion Facilitator. “On Yvonne Weldon’s Sisters in Cinema.” Kente Film Festival, February
26, 2010.
Discussion Facilitator. “On Mary Harron’s American Psycho” Campus Life Faculty Involvement
Program, March 7, 2010
“Animating Oppression: On Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis, from Graphic Novel to Film.”
University of Wisconsin Foreign Film Series, 2009.
Discussion Facilitator. “On Roger Avery’s Rules of Attraction.” Campus Life Faculty
Involvement Program, November 23, 2009.
Guest Lecturer. “Cinema: Image, Motion, Sound.” A Three-Part Public Lecture. Adventures
in Life Long Learning, University of Wisconsin – Parkside, Fall 2008.
Interview. “J-Horror and Adrenaline Junkies.” Feature Interview conducted by Mandana Razavi
for Bulletin: magazine of Credit Suisse, July 2007.
Guest Lecturer. Sea Monsters in Stripper-Heels: Robert Zemeckis’ Beowulf.” University of Wisconsin –
Parkside Faculty Roundtable with Student Discussion.
Volunteer Instructor and Assistant Coordinator. Film Seed - a digital video production course
for at risk youth in Racine, Wisconsin, Spring 2006.
Interview. “On the Release of Dark Water.” WNPR Morning Edition. National Public Radio, October 2005.
Guest Lecture. “Re-Orientalizing Horror: Shimizu Takashi’s The Grudge.” Communications 101,
September 2005.
Guest Lecture. “Transforming Genres: A Three-Part Public Lecture.” Adventures in Life Long
Learning, 2004.
Instructor, “Special Effects and Computer Animation on the Silver Screen.” MAGDEC
Video Game Development Summer Seminar. University of Wisconsin – Parkside,
Discussion Facilitator, Battle Royale and Battle Royale 2: Requiem. AnimeFest Wisconsin,
Interview. “Fahrenheit 9/11 and the 2004 Election.” WGTD Radio (A National Public Radio
Affiliate), October 6, 2004.
Guest Lecture. “Cinema: Image, Sound, and Motion.” A Three-Part Public Lecture. Adventures
in Life Long Learning, University of Wisconsin – Parkside, 2003.
Discussion Facilitator, Mamoru Oshii’s Ghost in the Shell. Public Screening, University of
Wisconsin – Parkside, November, 2002.
“African American Silent Film.” WGTD Radio (A National Public Radio Affiliate), January
28, 2002.
Interview. “The Beat Generation (And Beyond).” WGTD Radio (A National Public Radio Affiliate),
January 28, 2002.
“Teaching Writing in the History Classroom.” Department of History New Faculty Practicum,
Stony Brook University, 2000.
Guest Lecture. “Mentoring Groups: What Are They and How Do They Function?” New
Instructor Orientation, Stony Brook University Department of Writing and Rhetoric, 1999.
Guest Lecturer. “Text Analysis: Working Backwards.” SUNY at Stony Brook Teaching
Practicum, 1999 Workshop Leader, “Introduction to the Resume." A workshop for
students at Half-Hollow Hills Grammar School, 1999.
Presenter/Discussion Facilitator. "Computer-Assisted Instruction." A one-day symposium for
instructors and administrators from Hunter College, 1999.
Presenter/Discussion Facilitator. "Teaching On-Line and the Application of On-Line
Technologies in the Writing Classroom." A weekly workshop for New York State
composition instructors interested in the application of on-line technologies within
the classroom, 1998.
Workshop Leader. “Introduction to the Electronic Writing Classroom: A Practical to the Uses of
a Networked Computer Classroom," Stony BrookUniversity. This workshop focused on
instruction in Daedalus Integrated Writing Environment (DIWE) and CommonSpace, as
well as various tools for publishing class-related web pages, 1997-1998.
Workshop Leader. "An Introduction to Computer-Assisted Learning." A workshop for high
school teachers interested in computer-assisted instruction, Stony Brook University,
University Service and Leadership:
2016 Committee Member. Digital Maker’s Space Planning Committee.
2014 – Present Chair. Academic Achievement and Assessment Committee (AAAC).
2010 - Present Committee Member, Academic Achievement and Assessment Committee.
2014 - Present Committee Member, Liberal Studies Steering Committee.
2015 - Present Committee Member. Full Professor Sub-Committee. Personnel Review Committee (PRC)
2014 – 2015 Committee Member. University Budget Committee.
2014 Committee Member. Full Professor Sub-Committee. Personnel Review Committee (PRC)
2013 – 2014 Committee Member. The Committee on Academic Planning (CAP).
2012 – 2013 Committee Member. The University Committee (UC).
2008 – 2012 Committee Member. The Committee on Research and Creative Activity.
2011 – 2013 Committee Member. The Rita Tallent Picken Gift Committee for the Rita Tallent Picken
Regional Center for Arts and Humanities.
2009 – 2011 Animation Studies Steering Committee.
2006 - 2009 Women and Gender Studies Steering Committee.
2004 – 2006 Committee Member. Committee for Diversity Studies.
2003 – 2005 Chair. Lectures in the Fine Arts Committee
2004 – 2005 Committee Member. Instructional Resources Committee.
2003 – 2004 Committee Member. Critical Thinking Project.
2002 – 2004 Committee Member. Art History Certificate Steering Committee.
Department Service (Excluding Chair and Coordinator Duties):
2013 - Present Department Senator. English Department Representative to the University of Wisconsin -
Parkside Faculty Senate.
2016 Chair. Assistant Professor of English (specialization in Latino/a Literatures) Search Committee.
2013 Committee Member. Assistant Professor of English (20th and 21st Century Literature and Creative
Writing – Poetry) Search Committee.
2010 Co-Chair/Committee Member. Assistant Professor in Renaissance Studies (with a specialization in
Shakespeare) Hiring Committee.
2009 – 2010 Department Senator (Alternate). English Department Representative to the University of Wisconsin –
Parkside Faculty Senate.
Faculty Advisory / Student Service:
2012 – Present Faculty Advisor. Parkside Student Film Club.
2012 – Present Faculty Advisor. Tau Kappa Epsilon.
2003 – Present Faculty Advisor. Parkside Association of Wargamers. (Video Game Club)
2011 – 2012 Faculty Advisor. Parkside Military Veterans Organization.
2003 – 2010 Faculty Advisor. Straylight Literary Journal.
2002 – 2006 Faculty Advisor. Sigma Tau Delta (National English Honors Society)
2002 – 2005 Faculty Advisor. Undergraduate Writing Conference, 2002 - 2005.
2002 – 2005 Faculty Advisor. Undergraduate English Conference, 2002 - 2005.
@ SUNY at Stony Brook:
1999 – 2001 Mentor. Faculty-Student Mentoring Program, 1999- 2001.
1998 – 2001 Curriculum Development Committee Member, WRT 101.
1998 – 2001 Curriculum Development Committee Member, WRT 102.
2000 Chair. Hiring Committee, Electronic Writing Classrooms Coordinator.
1999 Editorial Committee Member. Stony Brook On-Line Writing Source Book.
1997 Editorial Assistant. The Politics of Research, Rutgers University Press.
1995 – 1996 Senator. Graduate Student Organization.
1996 – 1996 Senator. Graduate English Society.
1993 – 1994 Chair. Graduate Student Organization Board of Appeals.
2012 Found : Missing. (DV Feature). 67 minutes/B&W and Color/Sound.
2011 Abandon. (DV Feature). 100 minutes/color/sound.
2009 Acts of Contrition. (DV Feature). 76 minutes/Color/Sound.
2012 “Operation Clean Sweep.” A Production of the Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Association
in conjunction with the Atlanta Branch of the Department of Homeland Security. Nov. 10 – 14.
Academic Affiliations:
Modern Language Association
Midwest Modern Language Association
Society for Cinema and New Media Studies
Science Fiction Research Association
International Association of Fantastic in the Arts
American Culture Association
Popular Culture Association